The Greater Fort Kent area has no less than 4 river systems.
Water levels vary widely and not all rivers are runnable at all times. Call the hotel for details. We monitor water levels every morning through the US Geological Survey web site.
Canoeing trips can be quite affordable, but will vary depending on the outfitter and type of trip.
Here is an outfitter we reccomend
Pelletier’s Campground
Allagash canoe trips and canoe rentals
Here are links to other areas of interest to canoeists.
Northern Forest Canoe Trail
This is a 740 mile water trail through New York, Vermont, Quebec and Maine.
Definitely not for the faint of heart, some of the portages are as long as six miles. Last summer, 4 parties who had done the whole trip stayed with
us. I wish we had had the presence of mind to take their pictures.
Canoe race schedule
If canoe and kayak racing is your cup of tea, Maine has canoe races just about every weekend from late March until early October.